My Dad and I have only recently started going back to the gym after a year off through injury (shoulder for me, neck for him).
Tonight, a guy called Ray (ex-Bedian) told us that a friend (another ex-Bedian) died of cancer just after we stopped going to the gym this time last year. Apparently, Phil went into Trafford General and never came back out. He died 5 weeks later at 31 years of age.
Phil worked researching into diabetes, was strong as an ox, and a thoroughly nice bloke. Where's the justice in that?
The latest Thraxas book was released a couple of weeks ago. I bought my copy a couple of days ago and have nearly finished it, even while trying to read it slowly!
It's a great addition to the series. Some people might complain that it is just more of the same, but what's wrong with that? I have been laughing more at the way the characters interact than what they say. I can just imagine Thraxas getting annoyed at the lack of yams and Happy Guildsmen, and wishing all the sick people would leave Gurd's inn!
I caught the tail-end of Nik Kershaw talking to Pat Sharp on Century FM tonight.
Apart from mentioning the new single, "What it is", they mentioned that the new album "Then and Now" is due out on the 20th of June 2005.
I was rear-ended last month at a roundabout. The bike should be ready for picking up this week, so here's a picture of what it looked like on the fateful day.
It's up and running, see here.
I came across these sites today while using the Stumble! extension for Firefox:
I recently rediscovered Baldur's Gate on my PC. I was playing it earlier in the year, and then forgot about it. It's still a cracking game, although I have been having trouble with it crashing whenever I killed a wyvern! The patches I downloaded from the above link yesterday seem to be doing the trick though.
Well, it's cleared, and tastes all right. Not bad for a first go...
It's due to be released at the end of the month. The poor quality image is hosted on Amazon, so don't blame me for that! Don't know why a new album has a ~20 year old photo but there you go! Perhaps a more current photo is on the back of the album cover, given the title :-)
Paul Double posted to the Wounded Knee mailing list tonight saying that he's managed to get Radio Suffolk to play the new single, "What it is" next week. I wonder how he managed that! All the radio stations I've emailed just ignore me!
It's a great song though. Now, where's my iPod so I can listen to it again...
The first batch of lager is pretty much ready. It's not particularly fizzy though, so I have been trawling the web this morning to try to find out if there was some kind of reaction that had failed to take place in the pressure barrel. I am assuming it had to be in the pressure barrel, since the mixture was flat when it went into it! The guy at Salford Homebrew said not to take the lid off the pressure barrel, as this would also cause the lager to go "flat as a pancake". So, I was a good boy and didn't!
I came across this link that seems quite interesting. They don't say why a lager isn't fizzy, but they do say that adding some more sugar at bottling time helps to generate carbon dioxide. Since this gas cannot escape the bottle, it becomes dissolved in the lager helping to make it fizzy.
I can feel a trip to Salford coming on, for some bottles and maybe even another pressure barrel so that I can get another mix going...
I found the above home winemaking site today.
I added the Chitosan to the red and white wines this morning. I'll leave them for ten days now to see how they clear, and then they'll be ready for racking and bottling.
I never thought the time would come when I'd be willing Liverpool FC to win a match, but last night was very satisfying. ESPECIALLY as Chelsea went out to a controversial goal. It was lovely to see Mourinho being so gracious in defeat too. Oh yes.