Thursday, April 28, 2005


Nik Kershaw: The Universal Masters DVD Collection

My new Nik Kershaw DVD arrived this morning. It's actually a compilation of his old videos, but is likely to become a collector's item as his new album due out next month, "Then and Now", will allegedly have an accompanying DVD with most of this stuff on. So, it looks like the Collection is not being produced any more.

It's been pretty difficult to get hold of, but I eventually managed it from Amazon via Switzerland...

Annoyingly, Windows Media Player doesn't come with a DVD decoder, and since I am a renowned tight wad, I spent half an hour looking for some free software to do the trick. This one seems to work.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Why I don't watch F1 anymore

All you've got to do is see a MotoGP race (or pretty much any bike race) and you'll know why.

Here are links to a couple of good examples:


Fooling about after a hard day at the keyboard

Lucy loves the web cam

Monday, April 18, 2005


Beer kit

I went back to Salford Homebrew on Saturday and bought a beer brewing starter kit.

I had a great Saturday afternoon/evening getting everything into the fermentation bin and down to my cellar. The bin is now sitting nice and cosy on a heated tray until some time between Wednesday and Friday when the bubbles should be stopping...

Friday, April 15, 2005


Homebrew web sites

  1. First one I've found



I put a homebrew kit on my Christmas wish list, but Ruth ignored because she thought I was joking.

She recently mentioned it to somebody that she works with, and he has subsequently given me most of the kit I need to start.

Today, I went to Salford Homebrew to get the following:
  • Campden tables
  • Wine finings
  • Brown demijohn
  • Sterilising powder
  • "First Steps in Winemaking" by C.J.J. Berry (book)
  • A heating belt
  • A Shiraz wine kit

On the way back home, I popped into Waterstones at the Trafford Centre and picked up a copy of "Traditional home wine making" by Paul and Ann Turner.

The demijohn is now in my cellar, bubbling away nicely for the next two weeks...

Thursday, April 14, 2005


ASP.Net blog

I've created a new blog for all my ASP.Net stuff.


ASP.Net: Redirecting user when their session expires

This is tricky since there are two issues: the user's forms authentication ticket might have expired, and also the session expires on the server. You can't use global.asax's Session_End event, since that happens on the server, even if there is no current request from the user, so you cannot redirect them.

Here is one way around the problem for v1.1 that I found here:

Q: How do I detect a session has expired and redirect it to another page?

A: It's a much requested feature, and unfortunately there is no easy way to do it right now. We will look into in the next major version. In the meantime, if you are using cookie, you can store a marker in your cookie so you can tell the difference between "fresh browser + new session" and "old browser + expired session". Below is a sample code that will redirect the page to an expired page if the session has expired.

void Session_OnStart(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
  HttpCookieCollection cookies = context.Request.Cookies;

  if (cookies["starttime"] == null) // Fresh session
    HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("starttime", DateTime.Now.ToString());
    cookie.Path = "/"; context.Response.Cookies.Add(cookie);
  else // Expired session

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