Sunday, March 14, 2010


Framed ZX Spectrum


Framed Spectrum

I want one! 

Monday, March 08, 2010


divide interface

It arrived today and it’s amazing! Almost instant loading of games from a memory card – highly recommended.

Click on the picture to go to Ben’s web site – the guy I bought the interface from via ebay.

Sunday, March 07, 2010


Mansell doesn’t rule out F1 return!

_47427567_000027326-1[1] Couldn’t believe it in 1993 when he went to Indycar, but here’s what he has to say on the BBC web site today:

… asked if he might return, [Mansell] said: "Never say die. If there's a good Formula One seat, who knows? Why not, it would make a bit of history, wouldn't it?"

"We're pulling four to four and a half G in these cars so who says anything can't be done these days? It's about having the opportunity."

Saturday, March 06, 2010


Generation ZX

Generation ZXAnother book due out soon!

There’s a pretty amazing preview online.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


DivIDE interface

I’ve been contemplating buying one of these for a couple of years.

I know there is an updated version but am not too sure of the differences.

Seeing as I couldn’t find one of the updated ones, and that the one on eBay was listed as being the “LAST ONE” for now, I forked out some cash for a new toy :-)

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